Let’s take creativity seriously for a minute

What scales business performance? Not only doing your jobs-to-be-done efficiently, but also being great at continuous small to large problem-solving.

All problem-solving requires creativity and all creativity requires practise.

Don’t just send your team to lasertag.

Bring your team, dreams and challenges, play a CHEW game tailored just for you, have fun and accelerate your creative process to improve business performance.


Players have tested the Game


Big 50+ player Games hosted


Years of Play

Curious to learn more?

Feel free to send us an email, we would love to talk to people who take creativity seriously



How a tailored chew game works

All CHEW games have an objective and in a tailored game this objective set by you - here’s an example:

This objective is what will inspire the curation of the creativity ingredients and challenges we will bring to the game:

With a tailored creative context your professional team can begin the chewing and play the game to unlock ideas that is hiding in your teams creative potential.

In a nutshell, what CHEW deliver is this: